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Two years ago, New Zealand won the rugby World Cup at Twickenham. It was the last match for six of the legendary team. In October 2015, the black jersey was removed from the team by the new players, who were all accompanied by Richie McCaw (team captain), Conrad Smith and Ma'a Nonu (centres), and hooker Keven Malamu.

Most people expected that there would be a re-booting phase following the loss of so many players who played over 100 games. But as a part of the old team, I knew that the guys would get better. For five to six years,replica panerai watches we had established structures to help these young men become leaders. They were eager to carry on what was started. It's a great environment that allows players to flourish. It was going to be okay, but the players have exceeded my expectations in terms of how they have performed. Because the players worked so hard during the build up to the World Cup, it is a tradition that the teamdips are held the next season. The strength of New Zealand meant that the players just kept going and it was great to see.

"There were two men fighting for my spot and I didn't know who would play. Aaron Cruden, who was brilliant at the beginning, then suffered an injury that gave Beauden Barrett a chance - and the entire world saw how he used it. He performed extremely well. I'm so proud of him. I have worked with him for 4 years.rolex submariner replica To see him grow and be able play on the international stage like that was amazing.

Major Player

Carter is an expert at impressing the world. Carter is the all-time top test point scorer and has been named World Rugby Player Of The Year three times. His career has seen him win 112 test caps, 1,598 testpoints, and three Super Rugby titles. His performance in the 2005 British and Irish Lions Tour was what really made him famous. Carter's second Test performance was a near perfect one, scoring 33 points in defeat to the Lions. Carter was only 23 years old.

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